Category: Uncategorized

  • Mid Night Christmas Stream

    Here’s wishing you a wonderful Christmas time! I’ve been having a great year (to be detailed in my forthcoming year in review), and the holidays have been no different. Everything is turning up Maggie, and with my extra bandwidth my gratitude is measured by memories of painful Christmases past; the holidays are a really difficult…

  • Preventing Oxford: Nature v Nurture

    What if the parents are more at fault than their child, the shooter? What I most want to know about the Oxford case is the ratio of nature to nurture behind the child’s mindset. Some people are born with screws loose in the worst way; born sociopaths, masochists, murderers. Most are made. As someone who…

  • Spare us the predictable sexism of Norman Lebrecht

    “I would not be wasting space on Yuja Wang if she was not an outstanding pianist.” …”She habitually changes costume in a concert interval to show more leg and she feeds with internet with a stream of selfies in halter tops and skimpy shorts.” …”She is 34 and there’s a sell-by date to consider.” This…

  • LIKE A MOTH: An Exhibit by Maggie Cocco’s Science for Sociopaths

    LIKE A MOTH: An Exhibit by Maggie Cocco’s Science for Sociopaths

    “In a response to the digital age, where a proliferation of information collides with a scarcity of attention we are here to highlight the importance and transformative power of being present, and connecting with art and each other through a shared experience.” – Trent Morgan and Kim Groeneveld Continue reading or watch the video tour…

  • Paint It Black

    “Break the stigma, offer music to support emotional wellbeing.” Streamed as part of Attuned: Communications Beyond Words Mental Health Awareness Campaign 2021 @togetherwellorg Support at Mental health self-awareness has been such a crucial part of my journey since my diagnosis. It’s my honor, duty, and privilege to speak to this issue insofar as I…

  • The Maggie Cocco Band at the Dog’s Bollix, Auckland

    Happy Birthday Neville, to whom I promised more Maggie Cocco Band video and whose birthday is today! My love to Jimi Kara, Pascal Roggen, Austyn Mills, and Scott Wynne for creating this particular improvised musical alchemy #blues #country Special thanks to Bob Vaughan and the Auckland Blues Club for hosting, Bob Campbell for running sound,…

  • A Thousand and One Nights – Brett Ruys featuring Maggie Cocco

    A Thousand and One Nights – Brett Ruys featuring Maggie Cocco

    Just for fun.  Scene 1 Characters: She (Maggie) and He (Brett; a new acquaintance) He said:  She said:  He said:  *Scheduling occurs* End Scene. Scene 2 “A recording baby is born” flashes across screen. *Studio montage is ideal but notable absent* End Scene. Scene 3 He said:  She said:  The End.  And thus concludes a…

  • My Life with PTSD (and reasons why I haven’t told you) Part II

    Shortly after I released My Life with PTSD (and reasons why I haven’t told you) Part I I had a few humbling experiences. First and foremost, the outpouring of love and support from friends and strangers was incredibly life-affirming and I thank you for that. Second, I have upset people I care about who would…

  • In Memory of Cinderella’s Jeff LaBar

    I only worked with Jeff LaBar for one week on a long dead album. We met at a studio in Nashville when he walked in on me in the bathroom. He apologized profusely and I reasoned cheekily that now we must know each other well enough to work together, and we spent the next week…

  • Wouldn’t You Know – In Loving Memory of Justin Bates

    This is the first song I recorded with my own band. It features Justin Bates, then a 19 year old phenom who’d never had a piano lesson in his life. Justin was a kind person and a monster talent. We’d touched base again recently to reminisce and iterate the honor it was to play together.…