Category: Uncategorized

  • New Zealand Pt 2 – It’s Happening!

    I have only good news for you. A lot of the groundwork we’ve laid in the past year and a half is yielding what may – as my friend Mike puts it – create a snowball of love! The results are in: We’re going back to NZ in 2 weeks where we will A. Tour…

  • What’s Next!?

      I’m ready to tackle 2020! Are you? Here’s a bit of what to expect from Science for Sociopaths in the coming year!  International Opportunities: Good news! We’re being courted for a follow up tour opening for Billy TK Jnr, so expect more original music and performances of the blues rock variety in 2020! Not…

  • 2019 In Review

    If 2020 tops 2019, It’ll be beyond my wildest dreams, because 2019 was dead on the mark. In 2019 I… Released 12 original songs and 6 covers Moved to California Went on my second international tour Met and worked with a hundred talented musicians new to me (that’s probably not an exaggeration) Developed healthy relationships…

  • Mother Dearest Patron Only mp3 Download

    To view this content, you must be a member of Maggie’s Patreon at $1 or more Unlock with PatreonAlready a qualifying Patreon member? Refresh to access this content.

  • Mother Dearest

    I know I usually have an explanation of the song written here, but I have no words for this one. Just listen.

  • Blues Deluge

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my favorite people! I was so glad to hear from some of you personally after the massive tour blog that I released earlier this week. I’m feeling the love this Thanksgiving morning ❤️ As promised, here is the aforementioned “Blues Deluge” in honor of the recent blues-flavored #tour #NewZealand2019  I have…

  • The Studio, Real New Zealand, and The Irishman

    The Studio, Real New Zealand, and The Irishman

    How do I summarize the end of this tour for you!? It’s so much easier to relay things as you go, but I’ll try not to leave anything out! Here’s what you missed. Days 16 through 20, we got back into the studio at Revolver, and for me, the real creative part of the tour…

  • Edgar Sleeps, aka, Napping Turtle

    Edgar Sleeps, aka, Napping Turtle

    By way of saying #thankyoupatrons for your support in 2019, the long-awaited full archive of the amazing napping turtle from #newzealand2019 #tour One pic per nap that I captured in reverse chronological order. Napping turtle becomes slapping turtle in this rare footage that took several attempts to capture ☝️

  • Home Sweet Home

    I’ll start with an apology. Your October song is sooooo late. BUT! It is ready, and I have so much to tell you. A few weeks before tour’s end, I lost my original SIM card. Essentially, I couldn’t verify my identity on any platforms requiring two-factor authentication, including Patreon. I had to get back to…

  • Napping Turtle

    We have affectionately dubbed our bassist, Edgar, “napping turtle.” He can sleep anywhere, at any time, in any position. There will be an entire album post tour called “Edgar sleeps”. For now, please enjoy this teaser, and follow #ScienceforSociopaths on your social media of choice 🤗 Musically yours, Maggie