You Tease! The LOVE EP Edition

This week’s release is giving you a sneak peek of the LOVE EP! It’s one of two  – a DOUBLE EP! – slated to drop June 1st, 2018. The main topic of the LOVE EP?  The four featured songs explore infatuation, confidence, insecurity, frustration, anger, and loss as it pertains to romantic love. Yup, I pulled a Taylor Swift. Drawing from my love life for the full content of this EP, it’s been, in more ways than one, a labor of love.

Next week’s release will feature a sneak peak of the LOVE EP. Then stay tuned for the first single to drop – April 27th!

Schedule of Events:

April 27th: I See You – Single Release (LIFE)

May 11th: Jane – Single Release (LIFE)

May 25th: Do You See Me? – Single Release (LOVE)


Release event details TBA

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