NZ Music Month Workshop Livestreams

Creative Northland, Wards MusicWorks and I are excited to be offering four free, diverse music workshops to celebrate NZ Music Month! Check out the schedule above or below (NZST) and come to the in person workshops (6pm) or tune into the livestreams (6:15pm) every Wednesday this month! Tonight’s woorkshop was Singing for Life: Building a foundation for singing anything.

Workshops will be streamed to Maggie Cocco Music on Facebook. However you tune in, please fill out the follwing surveys:

Pre Workshop Survey (<- nice to have)       Post Workshop Survey (<- most important!)

Coming up:

May 8th: Singing for Life!

May 15th Songwriting with Imposter Syndrome

May 22nd Performance Ready: How to really take a song from start to stage

May 29th Better Than The Original: How to cover a song and make it your own

Upcoming Events:

Any Day! WE NEED A FEW MORE ORDERS OF LIKE A MOTH TO FINISH THE CAMPAIGN! Once we meet our quota the albums will go into production. WE’RE SO CLOSE that Diggers is letting us get the last couple in to meet the campaign quota! Please don’t hesistate to purchase! ALMOST THERE!

May 17-19: Maggie Cocco’s Science for Sociopaths will be composing the music for a 48 Hour Film Competition

May 8, 15, 22, 19 – NZ Music Month Workshops

June 21st: Maggie Cocco Acoustic at The Urban Winery, Napier

June 22nd: Mac Summer at The Cabana, Napier

June 23rd: Maggie Cocco’s Science for Sociopaths at The Cabana, Napier

July 2024: Wellington Residency! Thanks to patrons Bevan & Anne, Maggie Cocco’s Science for Sociopaths will be spending July working on Wellington based projects and collaborations!

Mondays: Giant Drop In Choir, ONEONESIX Whangarei from 6pm


Tony has a strong baritone and natural musicianship. He has studied piano for many years and is learning to sing like his father and grandfather before him. Tony is differently abled and has limited funds. Tony studies with Maggie Cocco Music for two hours each week. His goal is to sing with the bands at the local music clubs, but also to sing for fun and his health. Subsidizing needs for Tony are $60/week.

Like A Moth Music Videos

I’m saving up to create Music Videos for Like A Moth! I’m pleased again to be working with international one-take videographer Cadby Kong. Our first meetings have been so inspiring! At the moment we have the recording locations and concepts roughly planned out. We are applying for Creative NZ funding, and looking at a budget of $7000-$10,000 for 10 music videos which we will be recording in two days, two locations, with a team of 4-5 people. This is an ambitious approach, but with proper planning we’re feeling like it’s not only possible, but possibly brilliant and in thorough keeping the project. Stay tuned for more details! 

Finances should not be a barrier to living your best life! Maggie Cocco Music services are Pay What You Can so that persons who mightn’t otherwise be able to afford them have access to quality music education and services. Support Maggie Cocco Music in this mission by giving a one-time gift (Zelle or PayPal to or becoming a sustainer on Patreon 🤍

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