Show Annoucement: Maggie Cocco’s Science for Sociopaths at Orphic Gallery, Whanganui

The Development Tour for song cycle Elodie continues! Join me and painters Taneth & Arwyn at the Theatrium at Orphic Gallery, Whanganui NZ .

For a truly unique experience, Maggie Cocco’s Science for Sociopaths’ multimedia performances feature artist collaborators and audience participation. These bespoke performances showcase local visual artists and encourage audiences to engage with the heavier systemic and interpersonal themes explored in song cycles Like A Moth and Elodie. Unlike in a traditional performance where the audience role is passive consumption, interactive prompts allow heavy themes to move through the audience and into the provided media. Past collaborations have featured dancers, painters, VJs, textile artists, caricatures, physical theatre, and more. Resultant artworks are exhibited annually at Maggie Cocco’s Science for Sociopaths exhibitions, and have come to define the rare aesthetic of Maggie Cocco’s Science for Sociopaths. A 2022 multimedia collaboration with Italian textile artist Stefania Naldi resulted in Remnants, Changing Threads Contemporary Textile Fibre Art Awards Finalist 2023. Artworks are available for exhibition upon request.

Upcoming Events:

July 1st – 31st: Wellington Residency! Thanks to patrons Bevan & Anne, Maggie Cocco Music has been spending July working on Wellington based projects and collaborations! So far we have collaborated with To The Front to deliver an incredible youth music camp and developed relationships with Wellington based venues and artists with outcomes projected for October-November 2024! More on those soon!

August 2nd: Maggie Cocco’s Science for Sociopaths Multimedia feat painters Taneth and Arwyn at Orphic Gallery

August 8th: Maggie Cocco live on WTS Amazing Radio

August 24th: Drum and Bass Party – with live vocals! – at Paraoa Brewing

August 6th: Maggie Cocco Music Workshops, The Stomach, Palmerston North 

Sept 27 – Oct 13th: Whangarei Fringe Festival: I am producing a music festival within a festival! What The Folk Fest will feature Northland based and touring artists of the singer-songwriter, world, and folk music varieties. Fringe Festival will also host a Science for Sociopaths exhibition and performance. Stay tuned for details.

Project Updates:

Like A Moth Album Physical & Digital Release

Global delays in music product manufacturing has us about 4 months behind schedule with our vinyl & CDs through Diggers Factory. I received confirmation this week that the vinyl has gone to print (!!!), and I’ve received proofs of the album artwork and accompanying booklet. I will share the artwork here once finalized!! It’s really incredible, I can;t wait for you to see!!!

I have been advised that

Music videos! I have teamed up with Cadby Kong and Utopian Propaganda to create 10 music videos – one for each song in Like A Moth – that can be watched separately or together as a 45 minute movie. This is no small feat, and I am in the midst of applying for grant funding to cover the assosicated costs. We are looking at a budget of $13000 for 10 music videos which we will be recording with a team of 4-5 people. This is an ambitious approach, but with proper planning we’re feeling like it’s not only possible, but possibly brilliant! No to mention thoroughly in keeping the project. If you wish to support this project or have possible funding leads for us, please reach out to me here or at

Europe Tour 2025

It’s nearly application season for next summer in the Northern Hemisphere. With help from booking agent Dannii Vallely, we are making an ambitious plan to take over Europe one festival at a time!

Music Student Sponsors Needed:

Maggie Cocco Music has two differently abled adult students with limited income that would benefit from sponsorship. Tony studies with Maggie Cocco Music for two hours each week, and Joey for one hour each week. Tony makes a bit of pocket money performing at the local music clubs and learning more about music is what makes him the most happy. After working producing three albums of cover songs, Joey is putting together his firstoriginal music album with help from Maggie Cocco Music. Subsidizing needs for Tony are $60/week, and for Joey is $30/week.

Finances should not be a barrier to living your best life! Maggie Cocco Music services are Pay What You Can so that persons who mightn’t otherwise be able to afford them have access to quality music education and services. Support Maggie Cocco Music in this mission by giving a one-time gift (Zelle or PayPal to or becoming a sustainer on Patreon 🤍

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